Monday, August 13, 2007

Compromised or Away from the Faith????

Was very curious about Sun Ho's new released of her China Wine, so went on the Internets and do a searched. This is one of Sun's interview I found....

After reading, I felt sorrow and my heart ache...cos not at any one point of the interview that Ms Ho had mentioned about God, Jesus, salvation, redemption work of Christ, glory of God, or praising God .....not even when ask about how she became a believer........


" What made you decide to become Christian?

Sun Ho: Actually, when I was sixteen, I kind of went through a period, maybe like Christina Aguilera, I was really searching myself… for love and stuff… I was kind of messed up emotionally… it was these volunteer workers that actually helped me and counseled me and brought a major change in my life. They gave me great values that I can anchor my life to, so after that, at the University and so on, I took up counseling."

Christian faith has degraded to a set of "great values" that she can anchor her life's no longer about Jesus, a relationship with God.... : o (

Not only Jesus was not mentioned,
Ps Kong was not mentioned too. Her son, dad, mom, nanny, friends and others were all mentioned, but not Ps Kong.......

Hopefully it was the author that deleted all things about God and
Ps Kong in this article........

Also take note of the part on the question, You have a very interesting story, because you started off… you went to Bible College and you became a pastor… did you found the church that you currently run?

Sun Ho: (Laughs) Actually, no. I'm not a pastor, pastor. I'm a counselor. I work voluntarily in the church of an organization. I am very passionate in working with kids. So that is what I was doing. And actually how I was found by the record executive was I was in Taiwan counseling these people and usually I use music at the same time when I meet up with them because I really love singing. So he heard my singing and then he came to me and he thought that I could make it as a singer and asked me, was I interested? And everything else was history after that. So, I'm not, like, a preacher.

She was "counseling" using music....because she really love singing? OMG!!!!! Where is her God????......And, did she graduate from Bible College, since she was unable to correctly define a role of a Pastor .......!!!! She is confused?????

Another interesting point, (Laughs) Ok. I'm reading all this stuff about you and there's a church called City Harvest in Singapore…

Sun Ho: Yes, that's the church I'm affiliated [with].

I leave this for City Harvest Church member to think about.......guess they are all affiliated with CHC only....not a member........or part of it.........hahaha.........

***Just to stress, all the above is purely my own personal views

Last but not least.....let us pray...........


  1. ever since that red dress incident few yrs ago, she has been kind of on neutral ground, using terms like : my faith, value etc. Perhaps she doesnt want to stumble any believer since she used to be a pastor

  2. or is she ashamed of her Saviour?

  3. I wonder is pastor kong proud of his wife ? I saw her china wine video. Looks like a cheap slut. I cannot believe she did that kind of video. If you want to watch some nice Chinese singing good english songs, go to coco lee, corraine may. They have clean image. Unlike sun ho, already 37yrs old & pretending to be sweet 18 and dancing in that hot pant. My goodness !!

  4. when sun ho started as a singer, she said in one of the interview that she want to spread love and hopes to people out there. Now ? What does she got to say ? Dancing in that hot pant and shaking her boobs in china wine MTV to spread her love ??? The men don't mind her love if she dance naked, better still. Christian way of spreading love and hopes is to shake the boobs and backside ?? wow....good leh !!!!

  5. aiyah, spreading loves & hopes are only her excuse to get her blind church followers to support her. Of course she must say something holy instead of telling everyone she is out there to seek fame & money lah. One look can tell she is super-fake. I have never seen anyone critisize stephanie sun, corraine may, kit chan, a-do, etc like the way people did on sun ho

  6. I was talking to a taxi driver (in his late 40s) this morning regarding our local artist. He mentioned kit chan and tanya the best. stef is down to earth and ah du not all popular here but sure can continue make it big in china with his 'brother' next door image.

    when i asked about mdm ho, the driver replied, "i don't know why her name always appear in the media, must have spent a lot of money to promote her name, but you ask me what song she has sang, i totally can't tell lar. i only know the company or church must have spent lots of money lor. if she's so good, then national day why nobody invite her to sing a song?"

    she will still make it in the the US one lar. even not make it, money can spent to ask or tell the media to say she make it wat!

    but the media pls don't write "make us pride or proud" lar.

  7. Hate to say this, but I agree Sun Ho looks more & more like the media attention seeking Chinese actress Bai Ling ?! I regret buying her 1st two albums. She appeared 'like a virgin' when she 1st started out to 'save the souls'. now, what is she doing ? cheap slut ? But she also has many things to say. She only has fame & money in her eyes.

  8. Leopard cannot change its own spots, and a horse doesn't know its long face.

    How edifying is all these?

    Much has been reported about her WANTING to turn lives to christ,. how she wanted to USE music to convert people...and now THESE?

    By sashaying like a LAO HORSE, u can convert more pp issit?

    But insulting both CHINESE and JAPANESE in one DIRT WINE video, she has done which ASIAN proud?

    Call it Asian Invasion? More like Siahsuaytion Invasion

  9. achievement is one thing, being popular and acceptance is another. like her case, she just can't make s'porean proud lar. i actually like her when she's out with first album with her "background". then suddenly, the "slut" image slowly appear and then lots of news like got many many boy friends lar, very the ah lian lar, got sexually assaulted when young ( headlines in shin min & wan bao), etc. pls lar, I started to wonder is she a big liar ????? Always have something to say when she launch a new album. "leopard cannot change spots" and show her "slut" true colour now.

  10. excuse me, you forgot to include her self proclaim news : have depression, miscarriage ( cannot remember no of times ) beside that sexually assaulted incidents, many many boyfriends, etc.....She is such a DRAMA QUEEN ! What other news can she think of ?

  11. aiyo, someone with no talent has to think of something to catch attention lah. She must have ran out of ideas telling all the miserable stuffs that happened to her, so she switch to her real slut color lah. She has totally forgotten what she said last time -to spread love & save souls.

  12. 你是否记得有过一个叫何耀珊的新加坡女歌手?嗯,你可能知道这个名字,但你记得她唱过什么歌吗?你在K房里会点她的歌吗?会不会,这都无关紧要,你也不用在乎她到底最近这一段时间都在做什么。因为乐坛里这样的歌手太多,你只要知道当今的舞娘是蔡依林,萧亚轩又复出了,就足够了。但是对于何耀珊来说,这么久没有出来了,要想让大家一下子再想起她都是很困难的事情,就更别说为她的新专辑带来什么好的销量了。不过没关系,为了让看客不至于连她是谁都想不起来,最近在宣传新专辑的时候,何耀珊大胆地对记者说出了她的经历,她小时候被性侵犯过(点击查看)。


  13. 这种靠卖肉赚眼球的做法,人家张钰早就做了,人家汤加丽更大胆。你单单坐人家男人大腿就说自己被性侵犯,能得到多少同情?能受到多少关注?到头来不过成为看客的笑柄而已。要想赚眼球,还是多学习人家外国人。喀麦隆的杰盖参加外国人才艺大赛,表演失误竟然当场下跪(点击查看),这叫什么精神?这叫打死了自己赢得别人尊重的精神。你要真想出名,让自己丢脸的方式有很多种,那种纯粹把自己弄成一个弱势群体一味要得到保护的做法早就落伍了。诚然我们不能断定杰盖表演失误就是一个设计好的环节。因为我们的心并不应该那么狭隘。但在做错了,他选择了所有道歉方式里最让自己处于卑贱地位的下跪,或者是他真的对自己的失误懊恼不已,或者也有让自己出名的想法也不一定。从大山开始,很多外国人在中国赚到了他们在本国一辈子赚不到的钱,外国选秀歌手都上春晚了,这得让多少人羡慕和嫉妒?能被人关注是再好不过的事情。所以说下跪既赢得了中国观众的注意、理解、谅解,又让自己站在了一个新高度上,何乐不为?但如果杰盖也说自己被妓女性侵犯过,那估计如果你看到的话,前天吃的晚饭也得吐出来。

  14. >>>何耀珊刚刚推出了自己的全新专辑《拥抱》,这张专辑中记录了她的心路历程。何耀珊说,她曾经被邻居性骚扰,也曾经被最好的朋友出卖,但这些,反而让现在的她更懂得生活。 <<<<<<

    aiyo, she has so many miserable stuffs. One moment have many many boyfriend and her husband is her no. 50 boyfriend, the next moment depression, miscarriage, etc...Now, her best friend betray her. I really agreed she is DRAMA QUEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. nice "christian" comments u have there
