Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Cultural Mandate Write Up

These another write-up by a pastor........

How the Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission Complement Each Other

Unfortunately many Christians take an "either/or" approach to the Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission. While some focus their efforts almost exclusively on electoral politics, or impacting the fine arts, others stress evangelism and missions to the exclusion of the needs of the contiguous culture. Some believers even go as far as to suggest that Christian engagement in the public square is detrimental to the church's witness. But far from opposing each other God intends for His Cultural Mandate and Great Commission to work together. Both are critically important commands God has given his Church to change the world. We must not emphasize one over the other.
Our obedience to both mandates is the best way to support God's plan for His creation. Here are a few ways this is so.

Obedience to the Cultural Mandate serves the Great Commission by
... providing an opportunity for the gospel. When Paul stood before the Felix, and Jesus stood before Pilate, they declared key aspects of the kingdom of God. Christians that take an active part in the political system, public education, the arts and sciences, and more, will find an opportunity to represent God.

... fostering a flourishing context for the spread of the gospel. In countries where the government is totalitarian, communist, or fascist, the flow of the gospel is not stopped but is certainly slowed. Where government respects the free exercise of religion, greater inroads for the gospel are created. To the extent that Christians seek to protect their right to openly proclaim the gospel in the courts and legislatures throughout the land they help ensure a public platform for the proclamation of the salvation message.

... promoting moral laws that help guide people to Christ. Paul teaches that the moral law of God acts as a tutor leading people to Christ ( Galatians 3:24). Laws that prohibit murder, stealing, and other sins help make people aware of the difference between right and wrong. The Holy Spirit uses this awareness in people to draw them to Jesus.
Today our nation is more and more losing its ethical moorings as greater numbers of people disrespect laws meant to promote good behavior while at the same time many of our nation's public servants are now seeking to promote laws designed to permit behavior God considers evil. The result is a growing indifference in the culture to right vs. wrong, a problem that can only result in further indifference to the gospel. The Church can help reverse this trend by following the dominion mandate and working to defend moral laws.

Obedience to the Great Commission serves the Cultural Mandate by
...adding lost people to the family of God. As increasingly more people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus through the church's zealous efforts in evangelism, the more these people can be trained in the important work of building a Godly culture. And on and on the process goes...

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