Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Prayer

Comparing my recent prayer with my past prayer:

Recent : “God, use us to touch the hearts of the people, touched them with your love, grace, hope and faith….may they find You as their strength and their source for their needed miracles, signs and wonders…God may they find You…”

Past: “God, used us as vessels for your miracles and signs.., as we laid hands and prayed… the blind sees, the deaf hears, cancer being healed, rain stopped…..and than people will be touched by You and know you are God and come to You …”

What’s the difference in the 2 prayers? The past prayer was centered on ‘performances’, something external, more about me than God, more about miracles than God, more about what people can see…What about recent prayer? I guess the focus is more on the people finding God themselves. Its still can be a miracles happening in their lives, or a need being met, or simply a word spoken to them….In a nutshell, we show them the way to their answer in God. It’s more of a heart matter than an incidental performance….

What I am trying to say is, to allow God to touch the hearts of the people, may it be thru laying of hands for the supernatural, or gentle ministry to their lives. The focus should not be the outward manifestation but the inward “experienced” with Christ. And may it end up with “communion” with Christ Jesus.

This is not to say the earlier prayer was not true and is wrong. But is the “heart” of the prayer, its attitude, its purposes……..

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