Sunday, December 14, 2008

Church Entertainment?????

Here's a link to an interesting article

I wonder how many of our worship team know and are being disciple? Do they have a good mentor to look up upon? For some I know, they don't even attend a care group, not really praying and reading the word of God and, of course, not reaching out to the lost. Even worst, some are just there to "play" music and has no passion for matters regarding Christ.

I heard comment and seen it happened...unless the person is on duty, they are not around or hardly around in the service.

These group are largely divided into 2 groups (at least to me) :-

1. Ex-leader who was once on fire, but somehow lost their passion for Christ. Due to many reasons. One of the reason was being distracted by personal live.

2. Younger believer - this group involved those who are christian many years but have not mature all these years and those who are recently got to know Christ Jesus.

I think the key to helping these are true discipleship. Which sad to said, are not taking place in church, generally speaking of course. Because I believe some discipleship are still taking place.

Let's all return to be a disciple and being disciple!!!!!

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