I was sad and disappointed after I declined a role to act in the Christmas outreached event, Christmas Sweet Home. The Spirit inside me kept impressing me regarding the lost.
Than, I received a call the Friday before Christmas day to assist in stage set up and props. I gladly accepted it. Haha...than I realised that I was supposed to find my own manpower to do the set up and tear down for both rehearsal and actual day. I almost fainted.....lol
To cut the long story short, God supplied the workers, and the stage was set up and tear down in good time. And best was there were many people giving their lives to Christ Jesus.
I felt great though I was a little unwell, I thank God for the opportunity to serve and has a part to play in reaching the lost. My heart was in jubilation!!!!
I also want to thank my crew for their dedication, Philips, Jeremy Cai, Steven, Amos, Chee leong, Andrew, Eng Soon, Kirk, Tony and many more.......
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Church Entertainment?????
Here's a link to an interesting article http://draltang01.blogspot.com/2008/12/from-entertainment-to-disciplemaking.html#links
I wonder how many of our worship team know and are being disciple? Do they have a good mentor to look up upon? For some I know, they don't even attend a care group, not really praying and reading the word of God and, of course, not reaching out to the lost. Even worst, some are just there to "play" music and has no passion for matters regarding Christ.
I heard comment and seen it happened...unless the person is on duty, they are not around or hardly around in the service.
These group are largely divided into 2 groups (at least to me) :-
1. Ex-leader who was once on fire, but somehow lost their passion for Christ. Due to many reasons. One of the reason was being distracted by personal live.
2. Younger believer - this group involved those who are christian many years but have not mature all these years and those who are recently got to know Christ Jesus.
I think the key to helping these are true discipleship. Which sad to said, are not taking place in church, generally speaking of course. Because I believe some discipleship are still taking place.
Let's all return to be a disciple and being disciple!!!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Why we collecting for other churches needs?
Someone asked me, "why do we collect offering to meet other churches needs when our own church has needs?"
Good question I suppose, I don't really understand too...why did the old lady in the bible gave those finance she had when she had so little, she had needs too?
I asked myself this question, "Why must I give you a present on your birthday or Christmas when I have need to buy a new shirt for myself?"
Guess I choose to bless because I love, love God, love others. The principle of giving applies........
What some people think
Here are some popular statements I hear from some members of the Church, "when we see pastor, he is always preaching on giving", "he preached all the times on giving",etc.
All these statements are partial truth. We don't get to hear pastor preach every morning services. Most of the time, the RP will preached. So when pastor get up stage to preach, it was designated weeks that involved in giving. Hence, the impression that he is preaching "giving" all the times.
I still remember he preaches on "Family" for a few months...that has nothing to do with Finance. Also, in evening service, which by far most don't attend, he does not always preached on giving.
Let us not jump into conclusion, but let hear from God. Let us bless pastor through our prayer and confession of our tongue.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christian Getting Married on a Sunday
Can a christian get married on a Sunday?
Recently, Andrew's brother got married on a Sunday. The CHC pastor came and conducted their holy matrimony's in the late afternoon. I can't help it but wonder if my church leadership will do likewise, if a member choose to get married on a Sunday..hmmm?
The truth is it has never cross my mind to conduct our wedding on Sunday. It seems logical and correct to held one wedding on a Saturday instead. One reason for the church is the pastors are all in Church, and some, in multiple services.
Than what about holding a wedding on a Saturday? The church has activities too right? Than how?
I think if we have a large congregation or expected the church congregation to grow, we will encounter couples getting married on Saturday(when church has events), Sunday or even Christmas day.... unless you hold a mass wedding (but I prefer a private one though).
So should we put the church activities first and ask the couple to change date? Or should we bless and honour the couple (& family) and put the church activities to second place? After all, it's once a life time they are getting married and the church activities are ongoing.
Any comments, anyone?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Destined to Reign
Here's another book review I found regarding Pstor Joseph Prince's book.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Secret to Life - Happiness and Giving
Bought a table calendar, here are some of the quotes:-
"Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances" . My own quote " rejoice again I say rejoice, oh my soul"
" You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give".
Labels: Christian
Hainan Trip
To me Hainan Island is just like Kuantan of Malaysia...but just slightly cooler during this period.
A strange thing I discovered, the Chinese local tourists will pay to visit a beach, like yaloong beach, just to take pictures. They neither swim nor have a picnic, they simply posed and shoot....than there are off to the next destination....hmm......
The price of branded goods are not cheaper than Singapore. Brands like CK, Espirit, Nike and Addias are more costly. Oh, in Hainan, there are many KFC outlets but only 1 McDonald.. And no Bk, Starbuck...... : o(
You may wish to visit Yvonne's blog for the pics...http://yvonnescreation.blogspot.com/
Labels: Family and I