Thursday, February 4, 2010

Worshiping God as who we are

Read this morning in a certain devotion sharing that we should worship God as who we are. The devotion encouraged readers not to self examine when we come into the presence of God; and get discourage to worship Him as we find faults (which means sins) in our life, its also mentioned Luke 7:36-50 about the prostitute. She "worship" Jesus first than her sin was forgiven.

On the whole it was a very encouraging devotion. But I think not to self-examine, is like sweeping dirt under the carpet. After all, the prostitute did knew about her sins yet she came to Jesus, knowing that He has the power to forgive.

I suggest we should instead examine ourself, give our weaknesses and struggles to the Lord. With the forgiveness of the finished work on the cross, we should not be discouraged when we see faults(sins?) in our life. God loves us; why should we than get discourage by our weaknesses (unless we are consciously unwilling to let go of our sins).

We should come into His presence knowing He does not condemn us and face head on with our sins (faults as the devotion mentioned), give them to God. We should celebrate His grace, mercy, the work of the cross, giving Him praise, glory, honor and the victory over our sins.

In Him there is no condemnation.

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