Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Pic of Nathan

Labels: About VFC, Family and I, Office
Things are changing to the Better?
I went to the Area Ministers meeting last night, despite the headache I have throughout the day. And praise be to God, our Father....the headache disappeared when I took that step faith of going. Thanks to the "hint" by Ps Danny.
Labels: About VFC, Family and I, Office
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Work is super busy...writing during my lunch break.....drinking my coffee and munching my sandwiches....
Labels: Family and I, Office
My New iPhone
After much calculation, finally got my new iphone. I got it for $98 only though. $200 trade-in old phone and $100 for signing up broadband on mobile with Singtel riding on on current MIO plan. Only pay like extra $15 a month...on top of my $70 plus for MIO plan.

Labels: Family and I, Office