Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Long Sightedness, High Blood Pressure, Chicken Pox

What has all these in common?

I have long sightedness (can't read when object is to near), just discovered a few days ago.

I have high blood pressure, 140/110 yesterday and today was 138/95....need to check again in 1 week.

I don't have chicken pox....but Yvonne is suspected to have......

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mission Night

Here it goes again.........

Every 6 months, I will be called upon to lead and coordinate the Divisional Mission Rally....but I have since 4 years ago told the Church regional leadership that I do not wish to hold the role of Divisional Overseer.

So this will be the 8th time that I have to repeat to them. I have send email as early as January than in June. However, nothing has been followed through.

I have play "hard ball" this round though, dropping the whole project (as I did the last round), to just pick it up again last minute. My heart ache when I see no one taking care of the sheep....so I pick it up this round...finding a venue for the rally.....

Prayerfully, this will be my last time doing this.... : o )


Wow, it's been a long time since I last blog......lazy lor why else.....lol

In office can't blog cos it's rather open. At home to lazy so didn't even switch on the computer.

Now waiting for my care group member to arrive for Care Group. Just received a call from Yvonne too...she is coming back home now...cos Nathan is not doing well with his study... ; O (
Long story...think will leave it to Yvonne to blog about this... Just keep Nathan's study in prayer....