Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birthday Wishes!!!!!

Hmm....when I told Yvonne I would like to put my birthday wishes in this blog....
She said "siao".... hahaha

(hmm...if Jocelyn can have a wish list for moving house, why can't I have one too......)

My wishes are simple : -

1. All may have an encounter with the love of Christ

2. All may be joyful and healthy

3. Nathan will growth up in the fear of the Lord


  1. Of coz u can... & all your wishes shall come TRUE!!!

  2. So nice of you to have these wishes for "all" instead of for yrself only. May u have a Blessed Birthday!

  3. Hey, we are coming back to give you a treat.. but after celebrating my 8th wedding anni on 7 oct. : ) andrew

  4. Yo Andrew, beside treat no present huh? coming back is already a big present to me....hehehe
